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7.0 Configuring STFax Pro

7.1 Settings Interface

It is important that STFax Pro is properly configure before you start using the program.

7.11 Fax Settings

Company Insert your name or company. This will be used in the fax cover.
Fax # Insert here your fax number. This number is the ID of your machine. You can enter anything you want, but please remember that not all characters are allowed, according to the fax standard. Allowed characters are digits 0-9, + and the space.


                        +39 522 123456      OK
                        +39-522-123456      Not defined
                        HELLO WORLD         Not defined

You should never have trouble even with no defined sequences, but if a fax machine misteriously hangs up to your calls, check that this number is ok.

Phone # Insert here your phone/voice number.
LetterHead Here you can insert the name of an image or ASCII file that STFax will put in the top of every page.
Signature Same as LetterHead, but this will be put at the bottom of every page.
Text Font The font to be used when converting ASCII files into a fax. We suggest you to use a quite large font.
Margins Left These are the margins used to layout the text while converting it. They are expressed in characters.
Paginate If selected STFax will create a new page every tot lines, depending of what you've entered in the following gadget. Otherwise, STFax will create a single page. Please note that if you create a very long page, probably you won't be able to view it due to lack of memory.
Lines Number of lines per page.
Fine Resolution If checked, STFax will create fax in Fine Resolution. Note that you need a quite big font (height >= 24) to create fax in fine resolution, otherwise the characters will appear very small at the other end.

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